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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  October 30, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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to the communities that have been hit so hard is that we are going to do everything we can to get resources to you and make sure that any unmet need that is identified we are responding to it as quickly as possible. what we do as a community and citizens is important. a couple things the public can do: because our local law enforcement, our first responders irswapped to the extent that everyone can be out there looking out for their neighbors, especially older folks, that is really important.
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if you have a neighbor that you are not sure how they are handling a power outage, flooding, et cetera, go over and visit them and knock on that are door. that can make a difference, the public and be the eyes and ears identifying unmet needs. second, the reason we are here is because the red cross knows what it is doing when it comes to emergency response. people all across the country who have not been affected, now is the time to show the kind of generosity that makes america the greatest nation on earth. a good place to express that generosity is by contributing to the red cross. can you go to their website, the red cross knows what they are doing. they are in close contact with federal, state and local officials. they will make sure we get the resources to the families as swiftly as possible. i thank everyone here who is doing such a great job when it
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comes to the disaster response. the final message, during the darkness of the storm i think we also saw what is brightest in america. all of us obviously have been shocked by the force of mother nature as we watch it on television. at the same time, we have seen nurses at nyu hospital carrying fragile newborns to safety. we have seen incredibly brave firefighters in queens, waist deep in water, rescuing people in boats. a favorite story is north carolina the coast guard going out to save a sinking ship and they sent a rescue swimmer out and the rescue swimmer said i'm dan, i understand you guys need a ride. that kind of spirit of resilience and strength but, most importantly, looking out
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for one another, that is why we always bounce back from those kind of disasters. this is a tough time for a lot of people, millions of folks across the east eastbound seaboard but america is tough. we tougher because we pull together. we leave no one behind. we make sure that we respond as a nation and remind ourselves whenever an american is in need all of us stand together to make sure that we're providing the help that is necessary. i want to thank the incredible response we have already seen but i do remind people this is going to take some time. it is not going to be easy for a lot of the communities to recover swiftly. it will be important we sustain that spirit of resilience, that we continue to be good neighbors for the duration until everyone is on their feet.
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thank you very much, everyone. thank you, red cross. [ applause ] good morning from coast to coast and around the world, continuing coverage of the 2012 blast to the east coast of the united states. if you were with us yesterday and last night, we told you what we thought was happening. we were getting reports from up and down the east coast from new england to the carolinas. put together a picture of what we thought could be the most devastating storm ever to hit the united states. today we know that is what we have. what will prove to be the most costly natural disaster in the history of this country. it has piled right in to the most densely populated area of our nation and all over the local airwaves in new york city and other metropolitan areas all over the twitter universe and authorities wonder, do we have to reassess everything that we
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know about the way we build, the way we allow for egress and ingress, no one thought a category one storm, but that is not the end all and be all of storms could do what this storm has done. over the next hour we will try to bring it to context and show you the maps we worked with yesterday to show you where this happened. it is new york city and down the shore of new jersey and state after state after state the disaster of 2012. the storm that tore up the east coast has brought misery to tens of millions. a thousand mile stretch of the united states. think of that: a thousand mile stretch feeling the effects of a rare weather system that slammed the region with 90-mile-per-hour winds, heavy rain and a record-breaking storm surge, crushed the reports in the tri-state area. coastal communities are flooded up and down the eastern seaboard for hundreds of miles. the new jersey shore among the
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hardest hit where the governors of new jersey, chris christie, said that the damage there is absolutely unthinkable and the pictures from above are mindboggling. even as the storm moved north it did not spare maryland, delaware, washington, dc, or northern virginia. hundreds of thousands lost power. roads and bridges are closed. shore lines are battered. the storm then slammed into the big city and surrounding areas, a record surge of seawater coming in to the lower part of manhattan flooding the subways, the tunnels, the roads, everything below 34th street in new york city is without power, the bridges are back open, the subways may not be open for four or five days, the trains that go to new jersey, no one knows they were flooded up to the ceiling in some cases. the trains that lead to long island, no clouds. the city is paralyzed. in connecticut the storm damaged
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homes and millions of trees are down. some homes washed off their foundation. it caused damage and power outage in pennsylvania, in massachusetts, in new hampshire and in vermont. in all, eight million people from the coast of maine to the carolinas have no electricity today. experts are calling this a once in a lifetime storm, a disaster that killed nearly 40 people at last count and could cost more than $20 billion. but it is not over. blizzard warnings are in effect for more than a dozen west virginia counties after the storm dumped a foot of snow so fast that the locals could not believe it. now the system is moving further inland. officials in chicago are warning people to stay away from lake michigan because of high waves that could stop on lake michigan 24'. we are tracking the storm in the fox weather center right now.
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a massive rescue is underway up and down the state of new jersey where the pictures on the screen do not tell the whole story. in the state of new jersey, more than two million people are without power, hundreds of people are stranded right now in flooded towns up and down the jersey shore. the record storm surge flooded the barrier islands including atlantic city and seaside heights. it damaged dozens upon dozens of homes. this video is from seaside heights where a couple of seasons of "jersey shore" were filmed. travel in and out of the islands is banned until further notice. the governor of new jersey said there was not a place to land the helicopter. many streets are flooded. if they are not they filled with sand and debris and unrecognizable. in atlantic city the piers and boardwalks have washed to sea including several hundred feet of the atlantic city historic boardwalk.
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going north, the surge flooded four towns breaching a barrier ten miles from new york city in northern new jersey. the subject surrounded homes with 5' of water, flooded local police and fire departments. rescue workers using raft and boats to evacuate residents and yesterday they had to evacuate the firehouses. governor christie said the damage is worse than imagined. >> it is beyond anything i thought i would ever see. terrible. terrible. we need to remain patient. when the waters receipt. then we can assess. >>shepard: it could take days to restore power. and new to new jersey wheres inw jersey. my guess, rick, you have ridden out 30, maybe 40 hurricanes and
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it is my understanding that even rick was scared last night. >>guest: well, that is true. it brings me back to hurricane hugo in charleston, south carolina, in 1989. that was my most frightening experience until last night when the hotel was surrounded by water coming in over the dunes and breached the dune. this home, one of countless houses here in point pleasant that was damaged by sandy. there was a dune 6' to 8' high that is gone. what we are walking on is a couple of feet of sand that was on the beep, used to make the dunes and it all wanted this way into the town and covered the roads. we are making our way to ocean avenue, the main drag. can you see flood waters still here. a number of homes, dozens if not hundreds are dealing with flood
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waters. if you look to the south, you can see how bad ocean avenue is. there is furniture, debris, houses, emergency vehicles are struggling to make their way through that. look to the north, we had a front-end loader come in today and clear a path so emergency vehicles and utility vehicles can make their way down here. the path stops right here at washington avenue. they have a lot of work ahead of them. >>shepard: from decades of doing this the winds will scare you, the water will kill you. the wind didn't knock the houses down or roofs off it was the storm surge that moved things. rick: and we were wanted about that and it happened so fast, in a matter of seconds and minutes the water was pummeling the street and rising quickly. it breached the dune and came
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down this street. it was 3' to 4' high and engulfing cars in the parking lot. we were on the corner on the third floor watching vehicles being surrounded by the flood waters rushing down this way and into the parking lot. there was a giant boat shed that broke up the intersection and pieces of boardwalk litering the area here. >>shepard: glad you are safe. thanks for the great reporting. for a little bit of context this storm had a 13' or 14' storm surge slamming into one of the most populated areas of our nation where media companies are everywhere. there was is were coverage, 13', 14' storm surge. in south mississippi there was no media and the storm surge was 30'. today it is bad. we have people who have lived to
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tell about it. that is the difference between what happened on the mississippi coast and what happened to the entire eastern seaboard. much more coming and well hear from the people in charge of helping keep the flood victims safe. [ man ] ring ring... progresso
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this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>>shepard: as we assess the damage on the seaboard, this is a small town in new jersey and i have lived here for 13 years and never heard of it but it is just across the hudson river, you drive a bit and at least half a million people work in the city it seems like live there and work here. but the transit is down. we do not know when they will be open or when people in new jersey can get around like normal. now, on the phone, we are going to the largest executive airport in the country, the most used by the most people, folks from all
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over the region, an evacuation area and the chief executive chief of staff for bergen is there. big picture, how does it look? >>guest: it is devastating. we have never seen damage that we seeing like this. we have never seen water as high as it is, we are in northern new jersey but this is the southern tip of bergen county and they have seen flooding like this but we are not sure how it happened but this amount of water we believe is because of the high tide and it was too much water with no place to go and it just subjected right over and in 30 minutes after midnight last night the towns were underwater 5' or 6' and some places 8'. >>shepard: you breaking up, but thank you. any of you who live in hurricane areas may know the feeling, you
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think it is okay is done this before, your grandmother did it, your father did it, everything is no one, we never had a problem and it is midnight, it is cold outside, the winds are howling and this is water in the living room. from everything i have read on the forums it looks like by the tens of thousands people were terrified. >>guest: they absolutely were. i don't think they understand what hit them. we have a staging area across from the airport and we are bringing people in. we finding out where they belong if they have relatives. we have relatives looking for people. the governor has been phenomenal giving us all the assets we need. we needed boats, we have boats. we have the national guard here. we have another shift of national guard coming in from virginia later today. they are still doing search-and-rescue right new. they continue to bring people in. we are finding shelter for everyone. >>shepard: my assistant lives in that area and says there are
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people in and around her neighborhood that are not far from her neighborhood waiting for boats to get them not that anyone is not doing the best they can but 20 minute after 3:00 in the afternoon the day after the storm they have not been able to get to anyone. thank you, all the best to you. the storm surge hit really hard in new york city, with parts of lower manhattan still underwater, there are downed trees and power lanes across the region and dozens of homes burned down at least 80, 80 homes in one large new york city neighborhood, breezy point and rockaways. one hospital forced to evacuate hundreds of people after in the dark of night the backup generator failed and the storm triggered an average of 10,000, 9-1-1 scales in this city alone for a half hour. the massive subject of water that hit the region it washed a tanker ashore.
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it washed a boat on railroad tracks and there is a tanker that has washed ashore on staten island right there, it is up high and dry on the land now. the historic 14' storm surge in lower manhattan flooding streets and two major tunnels that connect the island to brooklyn and no one knows when water will be out of them. it left parts of the underground subway system underwater causing what officials say is the worst damage in the 108-year history of the city subway system. no one dreamed this could happen. 4.3 million people a day ride it. it is shut down. the mayor says it could be shut down for four or five days. david lee miller road it out. light of day brought what, david lee? >>reporter: well, added to the long lit of problem caused by the storm, lack of cell service, we are able to transmit right new with the help of a satellite
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telephone that you can see a producer holding. cell service has been intermittent. over my shoulder in the distance this is a tunnel you talked about, the brooklyn battery tunnel and as you can see beyond the officer there, it and completely underwater. they say they do not know how long it will remain in this condition. it will have to be pumped out. joining me right now is a resident of lower manhattan who lives next to the tunnel. last note you looked down at the tunnel, 8:30 at night, and you feeled for your life. tell me what you saw and how you felt. >>guest: we saw the water coming up the west side highway but when we saw the traffic barricades and large pieces of wood floating up we knew we were in trouble. the water calm into the fire high grants and we were trapped.
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>>reporter: many new yorkers were able to get out of town do you feel you need a break and in a few moments, we expect the governor cuomo is going to be here to inspect this tunnel and we told that subways still days away from operating, some good news, partial service later today for the buses and here behind me is the governor cuomo. we are live on fox news, can we talk and have a quick word in can you tell us your impression of what you have seen so far of the storm damage? >> well, the main problem we are looking at right now both at the world trade center site and the tunnel is how to remove the water. last night i was here about 5' of water where we are standing, the hudson came over the bank on west and this was all underwater, the water came up from the south. the water has receded but given
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the infrastructure of new york it remains in all of the infrastructure pockets so the world trade center site, the paths are filled with 5 feet of water going back to new jersey. and the battery tunnel is filled. in the subway tunnel is where the utility company, con-ed, has the wires and trance formers so to get the pour we -- power on you have get the water out of the tunnel. president obama made us a priority to receive health from the corps of engineers a special team that pumps and they worked in katrina. they are onsite. we are showing them the situation and they are assessing it. we want to pump out the water to see what is going on in the tunnels and that will help us get the power back. >>reporter: the most difficult question, timetable, your best
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projection when new york city will return to the new york city we all remember. >>guest: is the new york city you remember. it is the new york city you remember today. because it is made up of new yorkers. >>reporter: with working subways. >>guest: well, the new york subway system...the buses have started running this evening limited and will run full service tomorrow. subways will come back in the in few days but the subways don't make new york, new york. >>reporter: i should add, some good news we are told that when the buses are up and running today and tomorrow, they are going to be free. >>shepard: a lot of questions about the power grid in lower manhattan and whether they can supply power to the stock exchange. he clearly cannot hear me.
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another point of interest, this storm clearly is not gone. the storm is nut gone and over west virginia, it will loop not other view in a moment. over west virginia they are getting a snowstorm and in many areas they could get more than 1' and in some areas 2' of snow, and western pennsylvania and all through here. we showed you maps yesterday of what the meteorologist thought would happen in different places and this is the area they thought would flood, and they were right. the eastern side, the tip of manhattan, it flooded all the way up here, 96th, rather, 86th street is the northern edge of manhattan, and 96th, and 125th is the northern edge of central park, it flooded all the way up to the side, all here, all here, all here, all here, and next map, please, we
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talked about the lower tip of manhattan where the water came from here to here and down into the tunnel which leads you to brooklyn and the next map we talked about how this water was going to come in through long island town the storm like this, and public the water in here and the mayor and the governor thought it would take four hours for the water to get from here to here and the damage here was not so bad but the connecticut coast was bad. chicago, of course, 800 miles from the spot where the storm came ashore not far enough to avoid the trouble with record waves watching in from lake michigan. we will have a closer look at the scale of this storm, america's second city with 24' waves on lake michigan. are they serious? my doctor told me calcium
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>>shepard: this is "studio b" at bottom the hour. this video from chicago shows waves on lake michigan so far up to 20' so far. the record in chicago is 23' on lake michigan. in west virginia, wet snow and high winds spinning off the edge of sandy spread blizzard conditions.
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more than a foot of snow has fallen in lower elevations of west virginia where most towns and rods are located. the meteorologist is in the fox weather center. the storm is packing dangerous wind gusts. >> yesterday, storm was close to category two strength winds, 94 miles per hour and all of this energy is moving westward. look at the expansion of this storm. i mean, a thousand miles wide and we are dealing with the effects of this well-off the coast and inland across the great lakes and the midwest and the great lakes, the ohio river valley, and there is cleveland, to give you a live look at cleveland, talking about the winds across the great lakes, upper 40's, it feels like the 30's with the wind chill and we have gusts in excess of 40 miles per hour. the waves are 20' to 30' and not
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just a northeast storm or mid-atlantic or new england storm but it will be a midwest event. just looking at the pressure gradient we have between this storm and high pressure to the south, we are going to see wind advisory to the gulf coast. they will feel the effects up and down the eastern seaboard and across the great lakes and the hid west until at least thursday and even friday when sandy moves up into canada. >>shepard: janice, how long do they expect the blizzard conditions to last? >> i will show you some of the totals we have seen, over 2' of snow in parts of the mountains, the appalachians of maryland, west virginia, kentucky, pennsylvania, and it will last until thursday afternoon.
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there is sandy, the low pressure that moves in but we are still seeing the remnants of the snow wednesday into thursday, and some of the snow totals on top of the 2' could be 12" to 18 itch more. there are the blizzard advisories into the virginia's through the next 24 to 36 hours. >>shepard: new pictures from new jersey, and i will she you the photos i am seeing for the first time. incredible. >> i am so afraid of the pictures we will see in the next few days because when you see a storm of this magnitude sometimes it takes days or weeks to see the scope of the damage. we have not season the destruction the storm has created. >>shepard: i am afraid. if you were going down the jersey shore this is down from atlantic city down toward summer
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point but not all the way. if you are familiar, it is venture heights, venture city, and then margate and the last part of the island is long port and this is margate city. there still is water, water every where. after our coverage last night we got so many reports from so many different locations up and down the eastern seaboard as we were putting together a big picture it became clear that we are looking at a kind of disaster we have not seen before because of how far stretched out it was and how many people were affected and it reminds of the morning after hurricane andrew. there wasn't media in south miami dade county that day and everyone was up in miami or on miami beach or in broward along the line when andrew was coming in and it wasn't until 22 minutes into the "today" show the next day we all looked at the television screen and realized homestead was gone.
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it was just piles of firewood in south miami. you did nut have any idea of the disaster because of social media last night we had an idea but it takes getting the choppers up to figure it out. >> it will take days for emergency vehicles to get to the areas that are blocked off and they are not allowing the news crews in. it is devastating. hats off to emergency management and the first responders who risk their lives to save our lives. it is times like these we all have to get together and help each other out. >> that appears to be what is happening a time honored and seen again and again american story disaster after disaster. in this business you parachute into disasters and that is often the triumphant over tragedy of
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the human spirit but another thing going on today all up and down the coast, emergency managers and politicians are considering now, do we have to completely rethink the way we design roads and buildings and bridges because the unthinkable has happened in the northeast. it happens in florida all the time and the coast of louisiana and mississippi, you know that and build for that. after hurricane katrina they chain how far houses have to be on stilts and how they construct the roadways. the thinking you have to once-in-a-lifetime storms will happen here for man once-in-a-lifetime. at breezy point house after house after house burned down. they what a tornado there in the summer, a tornado there in an area where tornadoes do not happen. whether you want to talk about it or what you want to blame it
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on, the weather cycles have chged. keep your politics out of my face, the weather cycles have changed. no one is passing judgment. the weather cycles have changed and we have to think different. does con-ed put their systems down in the subway? can we still construct subway systems and bridges and roads and tunnels in the same as the past in now we know this can happen in the northeast where this does not happen. a lost big thoughts coming. >> the fact i am sure people across the south, and i have received so many e-mails and twitter from people saying our hearts are with you. we know what you are going through. like you mention, folks here in the northeast, i am from canada, we don't see this kind of thing. they know --. >>shepard: yet. >> now i am seeing it and my family is in it. i have a lump in my throat when
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i see what going on across our area. it is devastating. unfortunately, we will see more of the pictures and you just at this point you just have to pray at this point. >>shepard: you look at mar margate, someone who lives at north 32nd avenue says the ocean met the bay. and i quote, "water got to 3 not foot deep and people had knit their houses" and he told the news radio from philadelphia and he says "my house is a block higher so i don't have any in my house but it was wild but the neighbors had 3' of water and it got crazy as you can see and there are fish in the street." seagulls picked up dead fish left behind bit waters that receded flying rats they are. he says that the win was enough to shake his home. mike was taking pictures with
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tree branches and traffic light that came down in the street and he stuck it out last night in a house three blocks from the beach. it said it was bad, water came up to the porch and the winds got back at 9:00 or 10:00, the winds were up real high. in ocean city, new jersey, down the jersey shore, the same pictures from the same helicopter, the new york city helicopters are not up but they are from philadelphia and this is from fox from philadelphia. hang on i am getting a map. you can see ocean city they moved the ocean into the city. it is appropriately named. ocean city if you kept going down the coast ocean city is the northern point of another barrier island off route 444, north of sea isle and south of atlantic city but not by much.
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you can see along the coast is where the worst of it was. it is lard to see with the waters back out to sea but you can look at the streets and tell how flooded they were. the difference here when new orleans flooded we watched the flood waters for days because new england is in a bowl and you have to pump the water out. here the water just recedeed. that is not saying there is not damage or that they cannot going to have to have the sheet rock ripped out, have the carpets ripped out and their basements pumped out because in home after home if their basements are flooded you cannot have that. if utilities are in the basement, you got that problem. house after house, these are live pictures, right? these are like pictures and the water is still covering all of the roadways and all the backyards. home after home after home for hundreds of miles. all the way up.
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how the jersey shore, they will recover because the governor christie said they will and they will and that is it but it will not be inexpensive and it will not be quick. along the jersey shore the governor described this morning to the horror of jersey residents homes were pushed from the sea up to route 35a. along the shoreline. they are getting trucks in and out but you do thought see cars. the governor said from one barrier island there was not a place for the chopper to land, home after home. gorgeous seaside communities, people have had homes here for decades and generations. no one has seen anything like this on the way way street completely flooded and another high tide is coming this evening and the governor was warning the
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jersey residents not to get out about because there is more of this to come. it has moved on, the original forecast was for it to move 14 miles per hour. instead it moved at 28 miles per hour so the time that it took get away from this region was twice what they thought. the lingering rain and wind is not a problem. it looks like that is a high school there at ocean city. there is the ferris wheel and much of this amusement park, i understand, collapsed into the sea. the coast of new jersey, the transportation there is difficult and there is in word on when new jersey transit is up. new jersey is one of the states, the state, really, where it does not have their own media market.
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part is philadelphia and part is new york. they go to those cities to work, using new jersey transit. no idea when they will be back. the path trains this people take to and from north jersey into new york city, station after station flooded. we watched at the water filled the stations to the ceiling. you have to get the water out and the infrastructure back to get the trains running. economic impact? obviously for the government this will be an impossible savings. for the unemployment, all the people in construction and design and renovation who have been without jobs for so long, millions if not billions of dollars are on way. if there is a silver lining people are about to be put to work in places like ocean city up and the coast of new jersey and into new york city and on to long island and new england and western pennsylvania and in chicago in the storm that is still on the move.
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a winter storm now and could dump 2' of snow. we could have record waves on lake michigan in chicago.
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>>shepard: on the jersey shore the hurricane made the devastating punch on the southern part of the jersey shore south of atlantic city. closer to philadelphia than new york if that helps. nothing as spared. they are back on the fields, now, and around the amusement park. there is standing water, still, in neighborhood after neighborhood, street after street, it looks as if in ocean city, nothing was spareed. roofs appear intact. you can see the roofs okay. does it not look if the winds are so bad windows are blown out
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and a last people are waiting for rescues, they waited through the night. and the governor told people we are not sending out emergency personnel because we told you to evacuate. you didn't. we will not put a rescue worker in harm's way to potentially lose their life when we told you to lebanese. they are getting help now. needs people are trying to help. one water rescue after another. the local news went all night and when the sun came up we saw volunteers out in little boats rescuing people home after home after home. steve is way down in maryland abuse an hour southwest of ocean city, maryland, and you are in a hell of a mess there. >>reporter: it has been raining and believe it or not the water here in coastal
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maryland continues to rise. coming in off the bay. rescues are still going on. we spent the morning with first responders. we are here the mount vernon fire department, a low-tech operation. going door-to-door looking for anyone who needs help. they have been fining a lot of them the day after the storm. >> how you doing in. >> doing fine. just cold. the storm was terrible. >>reporter: were you scared? >> scared for the baby more than me. >> are you glad they rescued you? >> we have been waiting since 1:00 o'clock yesterday. 1:00 o'clock. >>reporter: 300,000 people in maryland are without power and many we have spoken to without power do not have running water or cell phone service. back to you. >>shepard: are basements flooded, is this the environment
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where it will take a long-term to get the power back? what have you heard? >>reporter: we have heard three or four days before cell phone service. >>shepard: what is the situation if you go a mile from the area? >>reporter: the closer you get to the water, it is bad. the rescuers are going block by block. if you are a couple with young children they are putting people over their shoulder and carrying them out. so, three or four feet of water is enough to strand, really, imprison a lot of people here. >>shepard: it is, the very young and the very old. thank you, steve, on the coast of maryland. it never ends. we got word from washington, dc, the federal government office are open tomorrow and people who work for the federal government are expected to be there.
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new york city offices will be open tomorrow. schools will not. the mayor said today if you can get to work you should. in ocean city, maryland, they are just hoping the waters recede. call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] woer what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relf ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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>>shepard: and now up and down the eastern seaboard, where the storm has been, what it left behind and where it is going. this chopper from fox from philadelphia, is still flying over ocean city, new jersey, the southern end of the jersey shore. we all sort of struck by how much lives have changed overnight. it is the case with so many hurricanes and so many natural disasters. this seems to affect so many people that it compounds the problem.
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there be more victims and fewer to help if you know what i mean. there is a dispatch out of an ocean city blogger, from chris in new jersey, talking about what happened to his home in ocean city. he says, you know, you think you plan well enough for something like this, but we don't know what we going back to. we don't have a home. the schools may not open for a while. what happens now? there are a lot of "if's." the kids know they are not going home, and even when they can get back, but the full magnitude has not hit but we are all waiting for our friends to get east island, i don't know what to think. you spend your whole life going in a certain direction and something like this happens. last week we looked at colleges for our daughter, now we have to
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find a place to live. we have new priorities now. so it is up and down the eastern seaboard on this day after the great storm of 2012. our coverage continues with neil cavuto. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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>>shepard: before we turn it over to neil, a huge rescue effort in northern new jersey, saving people trapped on roof after a storm surge came over the pair year. to the south of new jersey coast, some beach towns changed forever. huge waves wash out roads and homes. in atlantic city, entire blocks of the first ever boardwalk are now going. the powerful system is not done. it is dumping up to 3 feet of snow in parts of west virginia and the governor says it is already causing roofs to cave. in some places the leaves are still on the trees. add snow to that and you have a real mess. so it is


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